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Primera LX610 PT Create Pro Software


Primera LX610 PT Create Pro Software


PTCreate Pro™ Software further extends the capabilities of LX610 by adding many additional tools including import of vector files such as .psd, .ai and .pdf. Powerful features such as layering, the export of images and contour cutting around intricate artwork are part of PTCreate Pro. An auto-trace and cut function is especially useful for printing and cutting complicated shapes and designs.

 PT Create Pro Software for Primera LX610

Download Instructions and License Code will be emailed to the email address provided in Customer Account Information. Valid email address is required.

Please note: The PTCreate Pro Software code may take up to 4 hours to be generated and emailed. For orders placed after 4:00 p.m., the Download Instructions and License code will be emailed the following business day.

Contact us for free 30-day trial version

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